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Architect Valerio Tunesi

The Office

Palazzo Penco - Piazza De Marini, 3 -  16123 - Genoa

​ ​  -   +39 010 8573340

P.I.V.A. 01609260995

"H2DO is an acronym which, playing on the known value of the chemical formula of water and musical notes, if pronounced in Anglo-Saxon form, leads us to an idea of action and group that regardless of the age of the subjects involved in the work or , or rather, in the experience of life"

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H2DO Architettura © 2023 - Powered by Logos Engineering​

"The perception of space, the sense of the exhibition itinerary, the architectural representation in the form of temporary installations, the reuse of historical or industrial spaces with new exhibition or representation functions, constitute the basis of my professional training integrated by acquired plant engineering and of technical coordination"
Valerio Tunesi

Who we are

Studio H2DO - Architect Valerio Tunesi - professionally deals with integrated architectural design and exhibition setups
H2DO makes available to its clients - public and private - its way of seeing architecture, whether definitive or ephemeral, always expressing personality in its work; sharing then makes the result unique
(Copyright © 2009 architect Valerio Tunesi, Genoa. All rights reserved.)


H2DO Studio also operates in the sectors of architectural/environmental design:

has experience in managing the building process, with particular attention to the recovery and arrangement of green areas and the renovation of work environments and residential interiors; can organize the construction of the work from the feasibility study to the final delivery and coordinate the designers of the plant/structural components and the companies involved in all construction phases. 
To carry out these works, the studio makes use of qualified collaborators and consultants using advanced IT equipment that allows maximum speed and efficiency in the exchange of data and in the transmission of the documents produced.


Arch. Valerio Tunesi

Arch. Valerio Tunesi

Milan - 22 January 1964
Degree in Architecture from the University of Genoa
Registered in the order of architects of the province of Genoa with n.1835


Customer Register

- Ansaldo Energia, Genoa
- CARIGE – Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia, External Relations Office
- Municipality of Finale Ligure, Technical Office for Public Works, Savona
- Municipality of Genoa, Department of Cultural Heritage
- Municipality of Genoa, Technical Services Directorate - Design Sector
- Municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure, Genoa
- Aveto Park Authority - Borzonasca, Genoa
- Ansaldo Foundation, Genoa
- Regional Foundation for Culture and Entertainment, Genoa

- The XIX Century, Genoa
- Intesa Sanpaolo spa, Turin - Milan
- ITALY C&A, Genoa
- Palazzo Ducale spa, Genoa
- Province of Savona, Land and Environmental Protection sector
- San Giorgio Editrice, Genoa
- University of Genoa
- Wolfsoniana, Genoa
- WWF Liguria, Genoa